“Bewegung Technik Assanbar PJSC was founded in 2005 as ThyssenKrupp Assanbar PJSC, a subsidiary of Thyssen Krupp Elevator AG, Essen / Germany, with 26311 Registration Number. It started its activity as the official distributor of Thyssen Krupp Elevator AG in the field of elevators, escalators and moving walkways, with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Manufacturing Spain and ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG holding 51% of the shares and the rest invested by local shareholders.
ThyssenKrupp AG, a European multinational corporation based in Germany is one of the most well-known brands in elevator and escalator industry that for the first time presented TWIN – The revolutionary system in elevator design for the tall building and towers.
ThyssenKrupp Assanbar PJSC as well started to import and manufacture various kinds of elevators and escalators using the latest world technology. In the recent years it has been known as one of the most reputable and reliable brands in this field in Iran. Various types of cabins, doors, control panels and other parts of elevators have been being manufactured in ThyssenKrupp Assanbar factory with an area of 60,000 square meters.
In 2011, EE Bewegung Technik GmbH (EE-BT) purchased 100% of the shares of the company and the name changed to “Bewegung Technik Assanbar PJSC”
At the moment Bewegung Technik Assanbar PJSC is the official distributor of thyssenkrupp Elevator AG in Iran. Being also the exclusive representative of DIAO elevator and SEPAC International, it has nearly 400 employees and 9 branches in Iran. Taking into account its significant service and activities covering the whole country, it is the biggest manufacturer of elevators and escalators in Iran.
- BewegungTechnik Assanbar elevators, escalators and moving walkways move 1 million people every day
- We are committed to improving the quality of life by providing safe and comfortable technology.
- We stay with you for life.
- We are dedicated to developing principles and strategies for meeting our customers’ satisfaction
- High quality, safety, fair prices and continual services are what we stand for.
- Acting with outstanding honesty in everything we do