Vision, Strategy and activities
Bewgung Technik Assanbar PJSC is one of the most distinguished companies in designing, manufacturing and assembling different kinds of elevators and escalators in Iran. At Bewegung Technik Assanbar we are dedicated to meet the following strategic targets:
- Optimizing the quality and the design of our products.
- Acting with consistent effort to guarantee the satisfaction of customers and achieving an ever-increasing reliability through our high-quality products.
- Doing our best to increase the quantity and quality of our products.
- Supplying different types of products of optimum quality and its distribution at local and international level.
- Providing the best technical know-how and innovation.
- Providing the best of service, profitability and safety.
- Timely delivery of our products according to our contract due dates.
- Developing access to new markets in area.
Quality Policy
The board believe that the following actions would fulfill the above mentioned quality targets:
- Applying management system, quality warranty (ISO 2000, ISO 9001) and respecting its requirements.
- Management commitment to constant optimizing of quality system for the entire company.
- Providing the necessary motivation for the staff as well as the opportunities to increase their knowledge, technical skills and expertise.
- Applying effective control on the quality of the products at all levels.
- Providing continuous training for human resources and getting the use of advanced equipment in line with today world’s technology and innovation.
- Feeling committed to respecting the assigned rules and regulations.
The CEO makes any efforts and follow ups to revise the quality at -at least 6 months intervals. He feels committed to provide the necessary resources to fulfill this.